We Need Your Voice for Clean Energy in Coweta County
Our solar facility needs the support of residents, to bring local and clean energy to Coweta. Please consider signing our petition to the Coweta County Commissioners to ask for their support for more local energy and increased tax revenue to keep taxes low.
Sign Our Petition
Please add your name to our petition to protect clean energy in Coweta County.
Get The Facts
$70+ Million in New Revenue
An estimated $70+ Million* in new tax revenue will flow into Coweta County to invest in schools and local infrastructure.
Keep Taxes Low
The $70+ million revenue from this solar energy center (more than $4 million in its first operating year) would help prevent future property tax increases.
300 Jobs
Opdenergy will bring new jobs and employment opportunities to the area – up to 300 new jobs during peak project construction.
Out of Sight, Quiet Neighbor
The energy center project’s site will be built and maintained within a mature tree line. A minimum 100-foot buffer will ensure the energy center doesn’t disturb the public or neighbors. The mature trees will also preserve Coweta County’s distinct woodland character. The facility will operate quietly, offering clean, solar energy without noise and disruption.
Power 100,000 Homes
The project will provide power to more than 100,000 homes in the area.

About Clean Energy for Coweta and Opdenergy
Opdenergy is an independent renewable energy producer, focused on solar photovoltaic and onshore wind energy production with proven experience and a wide portfolio of projects in different renewable technologies.
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 1: How many homes will the facility power annually?
The solar facility is estimated to power over 100,000 homes each year.
FAQ 2: Will this project impact the value of nearby homes?
A popular misconception is that ground-mounted solar farms negatively impact nearby property values. However, studies have consistently shown that proximity to solar farms does not hinder the sale of agricultural or residential land. Additionally, according to third-party research from various states across the U.S., large-scale solar arrays generally do not significantly affect the value of adjacent properties; in some cases, they may even have positive effects.
FAQ 3: Are solar panels made with any hazardous materials?
No, solar panels are designed to ensure safe and eco-friendly performance, with no emissions or hazardous substances produced during their operation. They feature multiple laminated layers and are shielded by tempered glass, comparable to the materials used in car windshields and hurricane-proof windows. In the unlikely event of breakage, these panels do not leak harmful materials. Every panel in this initiative has undergone rigorous federal safety evaluations, confirming that they pose no toxicity risks, even if damaged. The solar panels used in this project comply with Georgia’s regulations and are the same type of panels successfully installed across the entire state.
FAQ 4: Will any hazardous chemicals be used to treat the grounds?
No hazardous chemicals will be used on the grounds. We are committed to maintaining a safe and environmentally friendly site throughout the project.
FAQ 5: When will construction begin?
Construction is slated to start in 2026.
FAQ 6: How much noise will the project generate?
Once construction is completed, the solar panels will operate quietly, generating no noise and maintaining a peaceful environment for the surrounding community.
FAQ 7: What measures are being taken to preserve and protect wildlife?
We follow the rigorous guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect any special wildlife in the area.
FAQ 8: How will safe groundwater and proper land management be ensured?
We will work in accordance with guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, who will design and enforce water safety measures for the project. This ensures that we prioritize safe groundwater management and responsible land use throughout the development.
FAQ 9: What is the impact on the neighbors?
The impact will be much less than if the property was developed under its current zoning, which would allow one house per 5 acres. With that zoning, more than 500 homes could be built on the parcel, creating thousands of daily vehicle trips and taxing local schools. Once construction is complete, our energy center will only have 5-10 employees and less than 10 vehicle trips per day.
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